I heard about Jason’s formatting skills from a bunch of different writer friends and, honestly, the way they talked about him made me think they had joined a cult. “He’s so responsive,” one would say. “Yeah, and so professional,” another would say. “He even sent me a new .mobi file after I noticed my own typos,” the first would reply. It would go on and on like this. I was skeptical. After all, they made him sound like some sort of customer service oriented Jedi formatter. That couldn’t be for real, I thought. But here’s what I found out when I asked Jason to format my recent manuscript for the kindle: he is a customer service oriented Jedi formatter. He was quick to respond, communicated the timeline, and then turned the work around as fast as he said he would. He even sent me a new version after I noticed a typo. I know, I know–I sound like I have joined a cult. But it’s true. Terrific, Jason is.